Senin, 21 Februari 2011

twenty in my february *

yesterday was my birthday. i'm twenty years old now !
in this age, i'll call my self as an adult not as a teener again ;)
may be in other situation, i must be wise to solve my problem.
of course with an adult's ways. truly, i feel, i'm at second step of my life.
twenty is other part of my life for me that make me to thingking about the future.
what am i going to do right now? and what is my resolution for the next?
could i reach my desire?
these are some questions that i doubt how to answer.
but i just want my parents know that i would to do anything for them to make them
happy in their life. even, i know that i couldn't reply their lovely and their effort for me
until whenever. i just can pray and hope to God in every my praying for the best wishes for them. please, allow us to get success and be some people that useful for others, God.


at 00.00 o'clock, my ex-classmate, Hestiara sent me a message. she said "happy birthday" and hope the best everything for me. a few minute later, my best friend at jogja, Ryana, sent me a message, too that almost same contents like message before. i just read and always say "amin" when i was read it. after that, my little friend, Puji, also sent me message to say happy birthday to me. my eyes couldn't sleep in a sweet dream this night. i don't know why. i feel so weak with my condition. a hours later, finally, he sent me message, too. i think that he forgot about my day but i wrong. he still care with me. he said some promise to me. i just feel happy to read it. when i think that he was so far away from me before, but this night, he came and made me surprised with this. and now, i know that there are so many friends that still care to me :) and i love it, very very love it!

when i count my age with my finger, i can't do it alone anymore. i have to 'borrow' my friend's finger to do it. it means that i still need them until whenever even until close my eyes. so that, i wont to make them dissapointed. if i could to help them, i'll do. for me, they (friends) like water for plants and wind for flowers.

today, i got two "wishes cake" from my bestiest :))
i hope i can reach my resolution and be the one who useful for each other,  amin!
thanks alot for people around me !

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

enjoy with my uncle :)

Hari ini gua puas puasin keluar rumah, setelah beberapa hari belakangan terkurung dan ga ketemu sama matahari karena kondisi yang ga sehat. bukan jalan-jalan juga si, tapi sekedar ke rumah sodara gue yang rumahnya juga lumayan deket dari rumah gue. yaaa itung itung olahraga lah, jalan jalan siang. ahhha. udara emang panas bgt hari ini, tapi lumayan lah, seenggaknya gue bisa ngeliat banyak orang di luar. 
nyampe lah gue di rumah si om (*eitss jgn sedih! om gue masih muda! dia beda 5 tahun sama gue, tapi gayanya masih anak muda banget malah cenderung ABG dengan posture tubuh yang kecil itu hehhe)
dibilang deket sih, gue juga ga begitu deket sama dia, tapi akrab lah. dia itu addict banget sama yang berbau bau teknologi, khususnya komputer, pokonya yg IT IT gitu deh.

alesan gue kerumahnya hari ini, karena gue pengen main aja terus emang udah lama ga ke rumahnya. sekaligus ngelepas kepergian dia ke padang besok karena dia mau nyusul nyokapnya yg udah duluan ke padang seminggu sebelumnya. (*ahha lebay juga si sama kata - kata "ngelepas kepergiannya" padahal dia pergi juga cuma DUA HARI ahhhaa) yaudalahya, intinya gua mau main aja kerumahnya.
sampe disana, gue cerita cerita sambil nonton tv. ngobrol ngobrol, dari masalah "bokap barunya" sampe masalah pribadi alias curcol! haahha maklumlah kami ini anak muda! *preeet

sebenernya baru kali ini gue curhat pribadi ke si om. soalnya gue emang termasuk introvert kalo masalah ini, sampe akhirnya tiba tiba dia tau ahhaa. disindirlah gue! gue yang juga orangnya ga bisa disindir langsung cuap cuap cerita banyak, langsung curcol masalah cowok ahhaa. berhubung dia juga cowok kan. ternyata banyak bgt yang bisa gue pelajarin. dia bilang, "cowok itu buka deddy corbuzier yg bisa nebak pikiran cewek,jadi kalo lo ada masalah, omongin, jgn diem." (JLEB! ngena bgt nih kata kata yang si om ucapin ahha) terus dia juga bilang, "lo kan bukan anak kecil lagi, lo buat aturan-aturan sama pasangan lo biar bisa saling ngerti." dan banyak hal lain yang dia petuahin ke gue ahha (*percaya aja si gue, pertama, karena dia cowok dan yang kedua, karena hubungan dia sama cewenya sampe sekarang emang  masih langgeng hampir 3th pacaran *prok prok prok!)

selain masalah pribadi, kita juga ngobrolin kerjaan, IT, keluarga, sampe masalah agama, dan banyak hal lainnya yang mungkin ga ke semua orang bisa gue obrolin. hari ini, obrolan paling berbobot lah menurut gue! beruntungnya punya om kaya lo deh om yang pengetahuannya luas! ahhhaaa

Crazy time !!